let’s get messy together
In house membership
$175/ mo.
For individuals wishing to work in a shared pottery studio. In house potters have a 3 tiered shelf for storage, gallery space, and access to both wheelthrowing and handbuilding equipment, such as communal pottery wheels, extruder, and work tables. Memberships also include 5000 cubic inches of pots fired each month, use of core glazes, and clay available at a discounted rate. Unlimited access to building. Does not include instructions or lessons, so some basic knowledge of clay is suggested. Initial lease term is 3 months.
open studio membership
$90/ mo
For individuals wishing to work from home, or during open studio hours. This membership is best for those looking for consistent firing services and does NOT include storage space in studio, minus work waiting to be fired and picked up. It does allow for use of both wheelthrowing and handbuilding equipment during open studio hours. Membership includes 5000 cubic inches of pots fired each month, as well as use of core glazes. Access to studio during open studio hours. Does not include instruction or private lessons. Initial lease term is 3 months.
Open studio
$15/ hr, half day pass (3 hrs) $30, or full day (6 hrs) $60.
Open studio available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-8pm, Saturdays and Sundays 12-6pm. This price does not include firing services or materials. Does not need a reservation. First come first serve.
Firing Services
Non- members $.05/ cubic inch
Members (if over monthly allowance of 5000 cubic in) $.03/ cubic inch
Must have clay and glazes approved for use in studio if purchased outside of Alley Cat Ceramics offerings. Does not include storage space. Some tools available for use.